Blogging About Blogging | Giftie Etcetera: Blogging About Blogging

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Blogging About Blogging

One of my friends struggles with looking at my planner pictures because my squiggles and scratch-outs stress her out. She is very supportive and sweet, but just cannot look at the mess. She uses an electronic calendar instead.

I can completely understand that. The biggest advantage of a planner, in my opinion, is that it is customizable to you. If not, it won't work for you. If you are a decorator, you should decorate. If you are no frills, don't decorate.

I am a doodler. (These pages would drive my friend cRaZy.)

I jot things down as they occur to me. It's a great habit to have, since I never have to stress over whether my family needs more milk or what to post on my blog. But it often leaves planner pages a tad disorderly.

So, during last nights television broadcast of LSU's FootballGameThatWeShallNeverSpeakOfAgain {hangs head in shame}, I redid the Projects pages for my blog, making a plan and organizing, all at once.

I created some guidelines for what to post and when to post it, as well as how to publicize posts. I do let my friends know when I post, but try to only let them know about posts that might be of interest to them. Note the use of a doodle box to highlight the schedule visually and a list of codes that correspond to the "type" of blog entry.

Then I started a running list (culled from those crazy, scratched up pages above) of blog entries, leaving room to the left for a date of publication, adding a code to show what type of entry it will likely be, and leaving a top box to make finding the Projects page easier.

Doesn't it look nicer?

I try to post daily, though that is only a goal. It doesn't always happen.

Remember that you can subscribe to posts by e-mail, follow me on Twitter, or add me to your Google + circles. 


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